When we designed BSCpro, we started from the perspective of a "builder" someone who is recruiting and growing. ย So we create a free tier that allows new people to get started with everything they need to plug in and join your team.
All of the free functions are available for everyone on both the free mobile app (except for prospects, but it's coming soon) and the website.
There are five primary functions of a free account:
Add guests to a captain's list and check your list on the web too
Request match-ups
Add new recruits to the speed filters page
Add prospects to a prospecting list
Access the chat functionality (allows you to accept/reject or discuss matchup requests)
You also get all of the other premium functionality for free for the first 30 days. Trainees get 90 days free so they have plenty of time to learn the ropes and decide if they want to use the premium features as well.